Rogers Data Navigation Compass 500 - for 1:500,000 scaled charts

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Rogers Data Navigation Compass 500 for charts with a scale on 1:500.000.
· Patent pending Rogers Data Navigation Compass 500
· Facilitates the solution for navigation and is easy to use
· Sectional plotter, time-speed-distance computer, ruler and navigation compass template in a single device
· Path-time measurement for charts on the scale of 1:500.000
· Distance picked up with the tips in order to read the distance between two points on a sectional chart
· To determine the heading use the back of the Navigation compass
· Required flight time between two points could be read in minutes on the mounted concentric compass scale
· Determination of position on charts on the scale of 1:500.000
· Headings with associated opposite course can be determined on the back side of the Navigation Compass
· Rogers Data Navigation Compass can be used as ruler along the lateral sides and includes a circle template
· Using the circle template on the Navigation compass permits highlighting of navigation points. Those points could be connected for further determination
New production technologies guarantee precision, which is required for precise navigation.