Withdrawal Form
You can use the following exemplar withdrawal form
or download the PDF form here!
Exemplar withdrawal form
Sky Fox GmbH
Alexander-Meissner-Str. 42
12526 Berlin
by Fax to: +49 30 864746-99
by eMail to: info[at]skyfox.com
I/we herewith withdraw the purchasing contract for the following products:
Order No.* / ordered on* / received on*:
Customer ID* / Invoice No.*
Your data (buyer):
First name*:
Family name*:
Street* / No.* / Postal code* / City*:
Your mail address* (for sending withdrawal acknowledgement):
Date* / City* / Signature* (only when sending by mail post or fax):
* These data are mandatory to process your withdrawal!
Download a PDF withdrawal form here!